An unfortunate technical error means that we do not have a recording of this message. You can download the full text version by clicking the download button below. DOWNLOAD Passage: Luke 13:1-9 Speaker: Matt Anderson
Tag: repentance
The Mighty Call of Jesus // Luke 5:27-39 DOWNLOAD Part 14 of our journey through Luke: The Limitless Gospel Speaker: John Cook Passage: Luke 5:27-39
Spirit Fuelled Repentance // Luke 3:1-20 DOWNLOAD Part 7 of our journey through Luke: The Limitless Gospel Speaker: John Cook Passage: Luke 3:1-20
The Gospel That Reconciles // Ephesians 2:11-22 DOWNLOAD A stand alone message on reconciliation, focusing on the challenges that surround reconciliation and repentance between white Australians and Aboriginal Australians. Passage: Ephesians 2:11-22 Speaker: John Cook