What Happens On Sunday?

At Gospel Church we heartily believe that the church isn’t an event or a time, it is a people living every day for the glory of Jesus. We are a family of missionary disciples of Jesus, no matter where we are or what we are doing.


As part of our Gospel Kids program, there will be a Free Pancake Breakfast (fortnightly) at 9:30am. Not officially launching until Term 3 so the soft start dates are June 2, 16 & 30.


On Sundays, we gather together to worship God as a group. At our Sunday gatherings we sing praises to God, we hear the word of God declared from scripture, we pray to God knowing that he cares for His children, and we share in communion (a celebration of the truth that Jesus has died for our sin and risen from the dead).

We are excited to launch our new Gospel Kids program! Not officially starting until Term 3 but for now, following the Free Pancake Breakfast (fortnightly) and Church starting at 10am as usual, the Reception to year 6 Children’s program will run from the beginning of the sermon to the end of the service. There’s also going to be a creche running in this time as well for kids between 2 and kindy aged.

Please fill in the registration form and return it to us (hardcopy, text or email) before Sunday is preferable. You can download it here.


We also share a hot drink after the more structured gathering. All are welcome to join in with us in this rich time of community.